Alexa Lee

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have you Ever?

Have You Ever?...
Sadly I had to answer no to many of these, but I'm young so hopefully I can do some and answer yes when asked have you ever?...

I tag anyone who want to do this....

1. Started your own blog… Yes, obviously or else you wouldn't be reading this... June 08

2. Slept under the stars…Yeah when I was little on our tramp and when it was safe

3. Played in a band…Nope

4. Visited Hawaii…Nope but i would love to

5. Watched a meteor shower...No

6. Given more than you can afford to charity…Sadly no. Unless tithing counts?

7. Been to Disneyland…Yes once I am excited to take my kids one day.

8. Climbed a mountain… I hiked to the Y once.

9. Held a Praying Mantis…Once. It pinched me and I've never done it again. I hate those things, but I don't mind if they're in my garden:)

10. Sang a solo…No way!

11. Bungee jumped...No thanks!

12. Visited Paris… :( no! But one day, one day...

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea...No, but that would be cool.

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch...Nope

15. Adopted a child...No but I would like to someday

16. Had food poisoning…i dont think so

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty…No but I would really love to!

18. Grown your own vegetables…My parents had a small garden growing up.

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France… No

20. Slept on an overnight train...Nope, never even been on a train.

21. Had a pillow fight…Yes.

22. Hitch hiked…No

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill… yes, when my sister had her baby

24. Built a snow fort… Of course.

25. Held a lamb…yep. we had alot of baby lambs

26. Gone skinny dipping…Almost...when i was younger

27. Run a Marathon…I don't run.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice…No

29. Seen a total eclipse…No

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset…More sunsets than sunrises. I am not a morning person.

31. Hit a home run…nope, im not that good

32. Been on a cruise…No. but i would love to

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person… No

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors...Not really sure where to go? Maybe I should do some family history.

35. Seen an Amish community...No

36. Taught yourself a new language...Tried to learn Spanish in high school

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied…hmm... not yet hopefully one day soon

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person... No

39. Gone rock climbing…Yeah once a long time ago at girls camp. I am not a huge fan.

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David…Only in pictures

41. Sung karaoke…Not in front of people but I am my own biggest fan in front of the mirror :)

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt…Nope

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant…No, but maybe i should

44. Visited Africa...No

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight…not that i can recall

46. Been transported in an ambulance…Thankfully no

47. Had your portrait painted…I had it done at a mall kiosk thing

48. Gone deep sea fishing…No. i dont go in deep water.

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person....No but that would be a fun trip. Maybe one day.

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris... :( NO! SAD!

51. Gone scuba diving... No remember? I don't go in deep water.

52. Kissed in the rain…im sure i have.

53. Played in the mud…Who hasn't. Some of my happiest times have been in the mud... :) ha ha

54. Gone to a drive-in theater… nope

55. Been in a movie...Not me

56. Visited the Great Wall of China…No

57. Started a business…No.

58. Taken a martial arts class…No but someone came in a class once and did some self defence.

59. Visited Russia...No

60. Served at a soup kitchen...No.

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies… Never sold them I just enjoy eating them so so much!

62. Gone whale watching... No

63. Got flowers for no reason…Yes

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma... No but i need to go.

65. Gone sky diving…NO. Voluntarily plummeting to my death is not my idea of a good time.

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp...nope

67. Bounced a check…Who hasn't? We've all had a time in our life when we open a bank account and feel like we have endless amounts of money... Right??

68. Flown in a helicopter...Nope

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy…Yes. A teddy bear, which my neighbors dog chewed the eyes out

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial…No but I want to.

71. Eaten Caviar…yes i have, in 9th grade. it was discusting

72. Pieced a quilt…yes i have, very time consuming

73. Stood in Times Square…No I want to do it though. Just another item on my list.

74. Toured the Everglades…No

75. Been fired from a job….No

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London…No but once again...I want to

77. Broken a bone…nope, ive bruised a few ribs. from delivering my kids.

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle…Nope

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person…I dont think so

80. Published a book…Nope I think that would be cool though.

81. Visited the Vatican…No

82. Bought a brand new car…Yes one of the things id like to go back and not do.

83. Walked in Jerusalem…No

84. Had your picture in the newspaper...Yes about 2 years ago, i got asked a question for the herald journal. i thought it was cool

85. Read the entire Bible…No

86. Visited the White House…No

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating…Only a fish (but not to eat).

88. Had chickenpox…Yes

89. Saved someone’s life…I dont think so, but who knows

90. Sat on a jury…No

91. Met someone famous…No

92. Joined a book club…No

93. Lost a loved one…Yeah, my grandma and my grandpa.

94. Had a baby…Yep. Cooper and Julie

95. Seen the Alamo in person...No

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake...No. but my brother has

97. Been involved in a law suit…No

98. Owned a cell phone…Yes

99. Been stung by a bee…yes alot actually

100. Fallen in love… Of course. If I hadn't would I be married to my amazing sweetheart and have had 2 beautiful Kids? I think not!!

1 comment:

Gates Family said...

That was cute. Unless you are a touring person, half of those we are not likely to do. But hey, dreaming can be fun too!!